
Monday, September 28, 2009


Oh this has been F-U-N! There were only 5 comments, so I didn't think I needed to use a random generator to choose a winner. Instead, I asked Ava to help me!

She's only just turned 2, so I knew she wouldn't be able to read the names and then say, "Hey, I want my friend Nancy to win." or something like that (not that we didn't want Nancy to win, mind you). Ava was perfect for this since she is totally unbiased! So I scribbled everyone's names on slips of paper and folded them up. Then asked Ava to choose one.
Choose one? Only one? She couldn't do that. She had to have them all.

Ok, so now what? I tried a few times to explain to her that she only needed to choose ONE. Nope. Doesn't want just one, she wants all the pieces of paper. If there were only a few people signing up to win, I would have said OK! We have 3 winners! But there were 5 and I decided that we had to just choose one.

Sooooooo.....finally Ava decided to give ONE paper back to me.

I decided that this one paper would be the winner....

Congratulations Rachel!! Now just tell me which scent you would like of the Glade Fragrance Collection candles! Here is a link to the website to help you choose. I'll do my best to find the scent that you like. I also need your address, so send me a Facebook message.

This was fun! I might do another sometime!

It's kind of funny that the very same day I picked a winner.....I WON a give-a-way!! How random is that?!

4 Whaddaya have to say about this post?:

Nancy said...

Didn't Ava realize that friendship bracelet I gave her yesterday was a bribe? ;) I guess that's what I get for trying to bribe a 2-year-old. lol

rachel said...

YES! I never win anything! Going to pick my scent. :)

Holly said...

Uhh... How can you be sad you didn't win when Ava is so stinkin ADORABLE!! Cute documentation!! :)

Hurray for Rachel! Now, when is the next give away?!?! :)

Megan said...

How cute! And of course you won something too! Totally karma. (Is that how you spell karma?) Your blog is so fun!