Backing up a little bit....I'm finally getting around to Macie's birthday post. This time of year is always full of hustle and bustle, so it's not surprising that I didn't have time before now to post it. Her birthday was December 18th.
What can I say about Macie?! She has so much personality!
~She is feisty (I suppose that comes from starting her life out that way...seems she had to fight to live, so she might as well be feisty for the rest of her days!)
~She has a high tolerance for pain (she once had her fingers caught in a glider rocker and didn't make a peep as it was rocked over her tiny fingers over and over!)
~She is animated (you should see the goofy faces she can make!)
~She is a cuddler
~She tells what she thinks (is ALWAYS telling me that she loves me)
~She's a follower (that could be good or bad!)
~She can also be a good leader
~She's a planner (always cooking up schemes haha)
~She's a babysitter (sooo good with Ava)
~She's a fake burper (can't actually burp due to the nissan surgery)
~She is a tooter (again, because she can't burp! It has to come out somehow right?!)
~She is a laugher
~She is a songbird (she thinks we can't hear her while singing in her room, but we love it)
~She is a lover of Hannah Montana
~She is a lover of CHOCOLATE! She has eaten about 3 pounds of it just this Christmas season alone!
~She is a big lover of BROCCOLI!
~She's a beautiful spirit sent to us at just the right time and we are grateful for her every single second of the day.
Here are some random pictures that are my favorites of her.....
First here I am pregnant with her and Ricky at 30 weeks along. I delivered them about 3 days later...can you imagine how big I would've been had I gone another 10 weeks?! Whoa! Excuse the way I was in the hospital just after I woke up that it was 12 years ago so give me a break will ya?!
Insert baby picture here. baby picture has been inserted. For the first few months of her life, we kept her indoors due to her condition, so she didn't get any professional photos taken. I didn't get any until she was much older and would you know it....I can't find them. What kind of mother am I?!
Anyway, here are some of my favorites of her after the baby years:
It's not that visible in the post, but I love this picture because both of her front teeth were missing!
And now for some recent photos of the newest YW in the N.M. Ward.......
See? She's a big time cuddler!
And here she is just yesterday after she got new highlights in her hair, that she paid for herself by the way. Why do they have to grow up soooo dern fast?! Next thing I know she will be married with kids of her own!
And of course I can't forget that she shares a birthday with her "sweet boy" Ricky. The photo was when he was a couple weeks old. That's my dh's wedding ring on his arm in the photo. He was only about 4 pounds when he died. He may have only lived for 3 months, but we will never forget the impact he brought to our family. He is missed more and more each day, but dh and I are blessed to know we have a perfect child just waiting for us. He was too perfect to be here on this earth very long, but he did the work he was put here to do. He stayed just long enough to make sure that Macie would be healthy and enjoy a full life. I'm not going to get in too deep on this subject since this year seems to be a bit sadder for me than the past few. I always have the "what ifs" and "should have beens", and this year is no different, but I know where he is, I know he is safe and happy and I know that HE knows I love him and miss him. And that I did all I could do to keep him here but it wasn't the plan that Heavenly Father had for him.
Ok, enough of that sappy stuff!
Next month I'll have another birthday post, but for Molly. She is jealous that Macie was first, so I had better gather some pictures of her too! haha
Friday, December 28, 2007
Macie Boosies
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Paper Palooza
Christmas is over...thank goodness! The mess was actually quite tame this year. We didn't spend too much money on the kids, so there were less gifts. I have to trick the kids every year before the big day though. They find the gifts that I hide EVERY time! They also tell each other what they are getting so I have to make sure I shop alone. Grrr. This year I hid the gifts in a great place I had better not tell where that is in case they read my blog! But they never did figure it out. Yesssss.
Like I said, they didn't get as much this year though.I creatively wrapped the gifts that they did get so as to not give away what they were. My kids are really good at knowing before unwrapping. I double wrapped, triple wrapped, wrapped in strange shaped boxes etc. As the kids get older, the gifts change from too many toys to electronics etc, so it was kind of nice to not have tiny pieces of Polly Pockets all over! But, the mess will begin again as soon as Ava gets a little older. That's ok though....she is just one kiddo. We used to live in a toy store, but it's getting better now. Now I just live in Aeropostle and Old Navy stores. They all love clothing this year. Well, not Mr. B. He prefers his xbox and hockey gear.
Anyway.....anyone else take a picture of their paper palooza mess? I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoys the new year :)
Posted by Leanne at 10:58 PM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Jesus is the Reason
"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus"
~Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Merry Christmas everyone!
Try it Tuesday will return next year (snicker).....January 1, 2008.
Edit: P.S.....I really want the Willow Tree Nativity set someday! I'm putting it on my wish list. It's beautiful. I admire the one my sister has whenever I see it.
Posted by Leanne at 3:05 AM 0 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: christmas
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Try it Tuesday
To meringue or not meringue
Ever tried these? I looooove them. I'm a huge fan of Miss Meringue. I can't buy any flavor locally except the rainbow vanilla, so I have to order these babies or head over to GR at World Pantry to buy them. Each tub costs about $4.99. Kind of pricey, but worth it for a once in awhile treat. For those watching sugar....fugettaboudit. These are obviously all sugar.
My favorites are:
Triple Chocolate Chip Classiquesand....
Mint Chocolate Chip
I can have 4 cookies for 2 WW points. Miss Meringues are tasty when they melt in your mouth. Mmm. I take small bites, let them melt and then munch on the mini chocolate chips that are left. Mmm. Yes, I'm very detailed :)
There are several kinds of MM's:
and Macaroons
A serving of the mini's is about 14-15 cookies for 2 WW points. There are several flavors of each kind. I think the vanilla taste like the tiny marshmallows that are in Lucky Charms cereal. Yes, sweet as heck and full of sugar. I've made my own mint meringue cookies at home that are ok, but I prefer MM's. I DON'T suggest buying the sugar free versions. Ew. No...double EW. Not even remotely worth it. The fat free versions taste great though. I've never tried the chocolettes, Madeline's or Macaroons. Check out the website if you want more detailed info on these.
So if you want to try the rainbow vanilla (just tastes like their regular vanilla) then head to Walgreens. That is the only place I've been able to find them. Target and Meijer used to carry some other flavors, but I haven't seen them in almost a year at either store. Big bummer.
I also suggest trying another brand of meringue cookie if you can get your hands on them. Barry Peaks. Super Walmart used to sell them in a cute little plastic cup. They had 100 peaks for 100 calories. I carried them in my purse to the movies for a perfect little 2 pt snack. Lately I've found these at dollar stores, but not in the cup...just in small bags. They aren't as sweet as Miss Meringues which might be better for those who like less sweets.
That's it for this week. I have no idea what I will try for next week. Maybe those new honey mustard Pringles!
Posted by Leanne at 1:16 AM 0 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: Cookies, try it tuesday
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Which direction do I go in???
I need some help! I realize I'm asking at the last possible moment, but I can't seem to come up with an idea for a teacher gift for my kids teachers this year! I am doing the, "rootin' tootin" one for a guy teacher (give a can of rootbeer and a can of baked beans with a tag saying, "Have a rootin' tootin' Christmas!"), but I don't think that one is appropriate for all the female teachers for some reason...hee hee.
I could use some ideas from you bloggers out there. I've looked at several blogs including the ones that I even posted about, but I'm just not feeling it yet.
I'm usually not too bad at picking out gifts like some people,
<----(think A Christmas Story), but I'm guilty of giving things in the past to teachers only to realize now that they probably didn't like them! Example: I've scoured the internet and have realized this.....teachers don't usually like to receive anything with apples on them, they don't like mugs, ornaments or even chocolate! I wouldn't dare give them an apple related thing but I've been giving them
Godiva chocolates for the past few years. Just a small box of them, but still better than cheapo chocolate. I'm still thinking that would be a good idea wouldn't it?? How can chocolate be a bad thing?!
I did read more than once that teachers enjoy getting thank you notes or any kind of handwritten card or drawing from the child. Hmmm.
So based on that, only thing I can think of to give Mr. B's 3 teachers is some sort of written note made in a nice way (digiscrap?). I was also thinking that it would be a good idea to go that way this year because I'm really low on cash. Thoughtful, yet cheap! That's me! My idea might include having him write a note to his teacher (who is our friend from church ya know) saying how he would spend a million dollars on her if he had it to spend. That could have cute results.
So what do I do for the girls teachers now? They are both in 5th grade and have several teachers. Keep in mind I'm not made of money, so gift cards are definitely OUT. I figure most people who will read this will have teacher gifts to give so.....can you help a sista out by letting me snag your idea?????????
Posted by Leanne at 12:52 AM 4 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: children, christmas, gift ideas, holiday, school
Friday, December 14, 2007
Molly's Moment
I keep posting photo layouts etc of Ava and not enough of my other kiddos. I really do love them all equally, so here is one of Miss Molly! She had a 5th grade choir concert on Tuesday at RPI.
JC curled her hair and we put a splash of lipgloss & blush on. They all had to wear white tops and black pants so they would match. She had been practicing her Christmas carols for the longest time. Weeks! She did a wonderful job singing with her group. It was hard to take pics of her actually up there singing (tall people in front of me....note to self: get there earlier next year for a better spot!), so we took one of her afterwards. Molly has a great singing voice and I can frequently find her writing her own songs. She also likes to scrapbook and draw like her Mamma :)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My life with R.....a couples tag
Using Caity's tag, I'm posting my own answers of my life with my dh. The photo is one of my favs of us from a few years back. We've switched weights tho! Haha. He is thinner and I'm fatter after having Ava. Oh well. I also like the photo of us on the sidebar where we are dancing. It's not the most flattering of me, but we were happy and having a good time that night and it shows on our faces. we go:
How long have you been married? 18 1/2 years!
How long did you date? 4 years before we were married
How old is he? He's 39 just like moi, but he is 7 months older than I am.
Who eats more? Well, duh. Him of course. You should see him eat a grapefruit. I swear he inhales it. There is NO chewing involved! He also can't get just a #4 or something at Mcdonalds. He has to add a fish or chicken sandwich to it. Quite the piggy, yet I'm the one who is pudgy!
Who said I love you first? He did. We waited to get to know each other before throwing out that word. Then the day came. We were driving in his car and he had to pull over to the side of the road. Out it came. I said it back and then our friend Alicia in the back seat who was sleeping, sat up and said, "It's about time!"
Who is taller? Him. He isn't really tall though by any means...I think he's about 5' 10", but I'm only 5' 3" at the most!
Who sings better? Well, I guess that would be me. But I bet if he would sing more often and louder (he's a quiet hymn singer in sacrament), I would know. He's quiet, but I know he can sing on key :)
Who is smarter? Oh HIM for sure. I've been beaten with the stupid stick.
Who does the laundry? Me of course. But he's been known to put in some of his work coats once in awhile, but I usually end up finishing them for him.
Who does the dishes? Again, me of course. I think I caught him doing it one time at someone else's house trying to be nice.
Who cooks dinner? Me, but he does all the grilling. He also makes things in the George Forman when he feels like it. He says I'm not the best cook, but I sure can bake! True. I'm not that bad at cooking, but I sure could improve!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Him. At our last house, I was on the right, but in this house I'm on the left because it's closer to the bathroom. I'm a frequent pee pee-er.
Who pays the bills? Mostly me. Depends on the bill though. Sometimes he will go pay a place that he owes, but I mostly pay the utility, mortgage etc.
Who mows the lawn? I've never mowed a lawn in my life! If he doesn't do it, my 9 year old son does :) That little man does a great job too!
Who drives when you are together? 99.9 percent of the time it's him. I hate to drive when he's in the car because he makes me nervous. I will drive on trips when he gets too tired though.
Who is more stubborn? We are equally stubborn but in different ways and over diff things.
Whose parents do you see the most? Well, his parents live in our town and my Dad lives 45 mins away, so I guess his. My Mom died in 2002.
Who proposed? He did on the beach in the dark after the 4th of July fireworks.
Who has more friends? Oh boy. It used to be that he teased me that he had more and I was a boring homebody. But actually, he just has more acquaintances and I have more true friends. He knows SO many people, but they aren't really his friends that he would do things with or confide in. I have more confiding friends. Speaking of that...who is up for a GNO?!!! I need to get away!
Who has more siblings? Me for sure. He has 3 siblings, and I have 7.
Who wears the pants in the family? Well, I'm wearing a nightgown right now,, really...HE obviously does, but he takes my opinions into consideration when I can convince him to listen! Haha.
Ok, I'm adding one more question:
Who kissed who first? He did. He did it on our first date when we were in Farrells Ice Cream shop. I had my finger in one of those blood pressure machines and then he kissed me. My blood pressure shot up! Awww...sappy huh?!
And that's it. I'll save more mushiness for a post on our 19 year anniversary in May :)
Posted by Leanne at 11:53 PM 2 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Try it Tuesday
Impossibly good? You bet!
I'm sure other people have tried these way before I did, but if it's new to me, it's perfect for Try it Tuesday.
Flat Earth Fruit and Veggie Crisps are delicious in my opinion! Ok, I only tried 2 kinds, the Tangy Tomato Ranch & the Garlic & Herb Field...but they were fantastic!
Here is the low-down on these babies:
The company, Flat Earth, by Frito-Lay, boasts this about their crisps:
*Just like the recently reviewed Nabisco Garden Harvest toasted chips),each 1-ounce serving contains a 1/2 serving of fruit or vegetables *Naturally baked crisps
*No artificial preservatives
*Low sodium
*Made with real fruit and vegetables
They come in these flavors:
-Wild Berry Patch
-Peach Mango Paradise
-Farmland Cheddar
-Garlic & Herb Field
-Tangy Tomato Ranch
-Apple Cinnamon
I bought the two 6-ounce bags (yes, I realize these aren't near as big as a bag of regular potato chips) for $2.50 each at Target. Each bag also had a coupon for $1 off, so I only paid $3 for 2 bags. Oh...and you can also get a coupon for $1 off by checking out the website, They have a cute interactive page with lots of information. If you choose to not use the interactive part, you can just click the low bandwidth button.
The crisps are much bigger than Garden Harvest chips and they are tastier! I'd pick Flat Earth over Garden any day. My favorite of the 2 that I tried is the Garlic & Herb Field. Sooo tasty. The Tomato was delicious but not ranchy enough in my opinion. But don't get me wrong...they were great. I'd love to try the other kinds soon. Target sold all the flavors except the Peach Mango.
The website says the main ingredients are rice flour and potato flakes. Each kind will have their own veggies or fruit included.
The nutritional's aren't that fabulous considering I can eat the same amount of Doritos for the same points, but I'd rather get some veggies in with no transfat and no preservatives by eating the Flat Earth.
All the flavors have pretty much the same nutritional's per 1 ounce serving....
130 calories
4.5-5 grams fat
1-2 fiber
19-21 carbs
That's 3 WW points for 1 ounce.
And for those who can't have MILK (you know who you are!) can have the Apple Cinnamon or Peach Mango only. Sorry. But I bet those are tasty too.
So all in all....Flat Earth Crisps *ROCK* in my book!!! Well, the only way they could be truly "impossibly good" is to make them fat free and zero calories! Then pigs really could fly!!
Posted by Leanne at 11:54 AM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: nutrition, try it tuesday
Friday, December 7, 2007
It's her birthday!
I haven't seen my friend Tami in soooo long...but she is still the best friend I could ever ask for! I have to pay homage to her on her 29th (hee hee) birthday!
We had some good times growing up and there were tons of pictures to choose from, but I went with the ones from the photo booths. There were several taken at different times, so I guess we really liked these crazy booths!
These 2 photos were labeled August, 1985 at the Eastbrook Mall. I don't think they call it that any more. Is it even a mall now?
This one had no label, but I think it might have been taken at Cedar Point in 1985 or 1986.
This last one was probably in 1985 also. I don't think I've ever had hair as short in my whole life as I did back then. It was a temporary "try it" for me. I prefer long hair, but Tami always looked good in short. Maybe I was trying to copy her since I looked up to her so much :) Or maybe I got talked into doing it by some person who now lives in Georgia!!!! Yeah, that was it....haha
I doubt Tami will ever see this post because she doesn't get online much, but I've been thinking about her lately & wish her fun and relaxation today with a splash of chocolate :)
Thanksgiving rewind.....
Beep, beep, beep...back up the truck! I realize it's Christmastime, but I have to rewind to November and Thanksgiving Day. I loved the, "I am Thankful for" poster that Megan and Caity did, so I borrowed the idea for my own family. I hope M & C don't mind! Thanks a bunch! It's a neat idea.
Anyway, my family and I had tons of fun writing what we are grateful for. Some were serious, some spiritual, funny or frivolous. My favorites to read were:
*Lights (our power had gone out recently)
*Water (our water pump went kaput on us the day before Thanksgiving)
*The Gospel
*Turth (one of my kiddos misspelled the word, "Truth"....I love it!)
*Dinosors (my nephew is in love with the "sors"..hee hee)
*Vitatops! (hmmm...wonder who wrote that one)
*Camera to caught all our moments (again... one of my kiddos)
*Xbox and Wii (Mr. B of course)
*Miss Nelson (Mr. B's teacher at school...also a friend of ours)
*Jesus Christ
*Doors (Ugh...teenagers...she probably also wrote, "locks" on there somewhere too)
Miss M wrote soooo many things! What a grateful little girlie!
My sister Sheri who always has a grateful look on her face. She makes everything uplifting and fun. Of course I added her name to the poster :)
Posted by Leanne at 1:14 AM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Try it Tuesday
Say it with a KISS
I said I might try the seasonal Hershey Kisses this week didn't I?! Well, yippeedoo, I had fun with this one! Everyone knows that I'm a chocoholic. I might be trying to lose weight, but I've learned that I can still eat my favs without going overboard.
Here is what I tried yesterday...and today....and will probably try again tomorrow..hee hee
Mint Truffle Kisses
These were pretty good, but I've had better :).The kisses are dark chocolate with a creamy green mint center.I can't say they were anything extra special though. I love chocolate and mint together, but these were a tad bit bitter. I'd prefer to stick with a York patty or the new 3 Musketeers Mint. Even Palmer brand has a tastier mint chocolate than Hershey's. I might not be a big fan of Hershey mint truffle kisses, but I'm still going to try plopping one of these critters into my diet hot cocoa today! I bet that will taste mmmmm.
Candy Cane Kisses
Now these little babies are something to try again! I wasn't expecting to enjoy these because there isn't real milk chocolate in them. BUT...they are truly yummy! I think they taste a bit like white chocolate with a minty flavor. The most unexpected surprise was the candy bits inside! YUM! Little pieces of candy cane made my day! Ok...maybe I better set my sights higher if this were to be the highlight of my day. Anyway, I say TRY THESE before they are gone for the season.
Hot Cocoa Kisses
These were the least impressive of the 3 Kisses. I shocked myself by not liking them as much! Wow. I figured these would be great, but they aren't anything special in my opinion. They are milk chocolate with a creamy center. They actually remind me of plain old truffles. I'm not sure what I was expecting hot cocoa flavored to taste like, but personally, I'd rather have normal Hershey Kisses. Brycen agrees with his Mom and wouldn't even finish the one that he took out of the bag.
So there is my opinion of the seasonal Hershey Kisses. Now it's your turn to go out and get them....or heck, just come over to my house and try mine so I won't eat them all! Oh, and did you know that Hershey Kisses came to be in 1907? And they think the name, "Kisses" came from the sound that the machine would make while manufacturing the shaped chocolate candies. Hmm...interesting.
Seen in an online ad: Krispy Kreme snowman doughnuts! Shaped like a cute little snow person.I guess you can special order them with your choice of fillings for an extra $1.00 a dozen. Get 'em fast because they are only available until Dec. 31st.
Posted by Leanne at 12:53 PM 5 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: candy, chocolate, try it tuesday
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Winter has arrived in our town!
Double click to see closer view. I'm going to have to learn how to make em bigger (if it's even possible)
Boy, are you all going to be so sick of me posting layouts of Ava! Haha. But today seemed fitting to post this one since it's so snowy, windy and cold outside. Ava isn't out in it though....poor little thing has a fever,diarreah and a barking cough. I hate the sickies!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Try it Tuesday
Thomas' Mini Squares Bagel Bread
100% Whole Wheat
I know, I know.... I almost missed Try it Tuesday! I've been really busy plus our power went out today due to some really strong winds! We used our generator to get some things working though thank goodness. But I haven't had an opportunity to post until now.
Ok, on to the review. Thomas' Mini Squares Bagel Bread is yummy! I haven't tried the plain kind (I believe they only come in plain and wheat), but the wheat was pretty good.They come in a package of 8 with 150 calories, 1 gram of fat, 4 grams of fiber. Don't confuse these with the regular size squares though. These are the mini's. But they are plenty big enough for a nice sandwich. I toasted mine with BBQ chicken breast. For WW's, it's 2 pts per bagel, meaning the whole thing, not just half.
The only negative I could find about it, is that it's not really bagel-y tasting. It's more like a dense bread. Usually bagels are a bit firm on the outside, but these squares are softer than that. It's still a change from regular old wheat bread, so I like it. I think I'll try making mini pizzas on them next. Yum!
P.S...I also totally love Thomas' multigrain light english muffins! They have a whopping 8 grams of fiber and only 100 calories each! Only 1 WW point. Yay!
Seen on shelves & Ads:
Hershey's Mint Truffle Kisses and Hot Cocoa Kisses! They both sound really yummy. Maybe I'll review those next Tuesday!
Posted by Leanne at 10:55 PM 0 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: try it tuesday
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day rid of the Mushy got annoying after awhile. Next time I'll put the mushy gushy gram on the side bar where it can be removed easily. I still like Mushy Gushy should go make your own! They are funny and FREE! Weeeeeee
Soon to come: Photo of our "I am thankful for..." poster
Posted by Leanne at 3:01 PM 1 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: holiday
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Black Friday Ads
Anyone going Christmas shopping this Friday?
Did you check out the ads online yet? My title is a clickable link to Look at the ads before they come out in tomorrow's paper.
I doubt I'll be going this year since we are broke as a joke right now. If I do, it will be to Toys R Us, since they have a few things I would buy for my kiddos. They also have in-store-only items that you can view on their website.
Posted by Leanne at 3:47 PM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Gift Idea Blog
I stumbled across a blog for gift ideas. The whole blog is dedicated to ONLY gift ideas! How cool is that? Need a quick gift for your VT ladies? Kids teachers? Check out the blog! Creative Holiday Gift Ideas
Also, there are links to other sites with gift ideas. I think I might add my own idea. Well, it's not actually my "own". But I saw it years ago and it's perfect for a quick easy gift.
Wrap up a can of Rootbeer (or a bottle of IBC rootbeer) and a can of baked beans. Attach a tag that says, "Have a rootin' tootin' Christmas!". Cute huh? Would be perfect for a guy. My kids have a few guy teachers this year. Hope they have a sense of humor!
Anyway, if you need a gift idea, check out the creative holiday gift ideas blog.
UPDATE: I'm stealing this from Nikki...she has a great blog link with tons of ideas for gifts and decor! Check out Tip Junkie! And thanks for letting me steal the link & post it without asking Nikki....hee hee
Posted by Leanne at 11:44 PM 0 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: christmas, gift ideas, rootin' tootin'
Try it Tuesday
Ok, so these are not something that I've tried recently. They are something I eat EVERYDAY! I can't praise Vitatops enough! Being on Weight Watchers, I have found plenty of food to fill me up yet be low in fat and calories. But my all time favorite are Vitatops!
These babies are 2 ounces of pure addiction for me. They have 6 grams of fiber, 100 calories and tons of vitamins. They come in many flavors, but my favorite is the deep chocolate. They have chocolate chips..mmmmm. Of course there is a certain WAY to prepare these babies. If you don't do as I say, I promise that you will be disappointed in your tops. They taste awful if you don't follow my instructions! I know, I know...sounds weird right? But honestly, you MUST listen to me!
#1....keep your tops frozen at all times. They have no preservatives! They will quickly dry out if not kept frozen.
#2....when you want to eat one, you MUST microwave that little critter! I heat it for about 35 seconds. It will be nice and warm (comfort food!)and the chips will be melty. You may also toast the top using a toaster oven or the plain old toaster. Using a slice toaster might make a bit of a mess though since the chocolate chips like to stick, but I do it anyway. My trick is to wet the top of your Vitatop and then sprinkle a bit of Splenda on top. When it's toasted, it's has a nice sweet crust. Mmmmm.
#3.....There is no number #3 really...but I wanted to repeat that you MUST HEAT YOUR TOP! It just doesn't taste right if you don't!
Ok, now that I've shared my secret food....don't buy them all up at Meijer or I will hunt you down and knock your VitaTOP off! Just kidding. I do love these things though and before a few months ago I had to order them online Vitalicious.
But now I can get them at my local Meijer grocery store for $3.99 in the freezer section near the waffles. They come in a box of 4. Kind of expensive, but soooo worth it to me. Not everyone really likes these, but if you just heat them, they have a whole new taste.
Meijer only offers the deep chocolate and the blue bran flavors. But you can visit the site and they have other flavors such as corn, chocolate banana, chocolate peanut butter etc. They also come in 2 oz and 4 oz muffins, but I like the tops better. The muffins have a different consistency which I'm not fond of. They also make vitabrownies (love em!), vitacakes (never tried) and also they all come in mix form. I've tried the brownie vitamix and they were yummo! Again, have to heat the brownies for the best flavor.
My favorite way to eat a Vitatop is to heat it then place 1/2 cup of Edy's Loaded chocolate peanut butter ice cream on top!. MMMM.
Oh, very important information....if you are counting points for Weight Watchers, a Vitatop (they only come in 2 oz) is only ONE point! Yessssssss
Posted by Leanne at 11:32 AM 0 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: try it tuesday, weight loss
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Try it Tuesday
John Frieda Luminous Color Glaze
Another non-food post!
Recently, I tried John Frieda's Luminous Color Glaze brilliant brunette. The only reason that I tried it was because it was discounted big time and I thought I'd do something a little different with my look. :)
The bottle says it's a 'color glosser' and 'shine booster'. I really like my hair color (nice and dark) and using this product just affirmed that fact. It did lighten it with a brown/reddish hue. It's nice, but I'll stick to my natural dark hair color thank you very much.
The product is meant to be used in the shower after using the same brand shampoo and conditioner. Of course I used my own brand that I like. What a rebel I am.
When I first tried the product, I thought I had put too much on. It said to leave it on for about 3 minutes and use it a minimum of 3 times a week. The 3-minute timing wasn't the problem, it must have been the amount that I used. It wasn't too much color-wise, but for the shine part, it was too much. It left my hair limp and unmanageable. The next time I tried it, I used less thinking this would clear it up. Nope. Still limp. So basically I decided to use a very tiny amount and only smear it over parts of my hair that I wanted lighter color on. Instant highlights is what I was going for. It didn't work out too well because I just couldn't get past making my hair lighter! But I bet it would work for someone else.
All in all, I bet the glaze is a great product for those who want their hair lighter, but not for me. Also, I accidentally dropped some of the glaze in the corner of my shower not noticing it. It will stain a fiberglass shower. Be careful. But it's not meant to last forever, so the stain is gone now. The same can be said for your hands when you use the product. But a little soap and scrubbing takes care of that.
I say buy it if you want! I'm not sure how the other shades would work (red and blonde), but the 'brilliant brunette' was ok for me :)
Posted by Leanne at 5:13 PM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: hair-do, try it tuesday
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New Era Magazine Submission
This past summer, we all went to the Country Dairy in New Era, Michigan. We love the squeaky cheese they have there and the free all-you-can-drink chocolate milk. The ice cream is yummo too. So along the way, we stopped in front of the New Era village signs to take some pictures. Jillian was excited since she frequently reads the New Era magazine that is published by our church. Thinking that perhaps if we took her picture in front of the sign, and then submit it to the magazine, they might publish it! Ok, don't get excited. They turned us down :( I guess they have too many submissions of photos and articles and they have to draw the line somewhere. Seems to me they published a similar picture of our friend Sally R. standing in front of the same sign. That was over 25 years ago though. Oh well. It still makes a nice picture and perhaps we will just put them up on the YW bulletin board at our Ward. Here they are:
Notice the Kirtland t-shirt. We were able to go their this past August. I'll do a post about that sometime. In the mean time, there are a couple Kirtland pictures of us on the left hand side of this blog. One is of the kids and cousins on the Whitney store front and another of our family as well as my sister Valerie's family on the steps of the Johnson Farm.
Posted by Leanne at 1:17 PM 1 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: photos
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Try it Tuesday
I dunno. I'm not really feelin' it OxiClean. Why aren't you impressing me? I've been looking at other blogs and reviews and most people seem to like the product. I must be one of the few who isn't especially hipped up about it.
I really wanted it to work since my son has the blackest socks. My dh's under-g's also need a little sumthin' sumthin' to brighten them up. Trying the OxiClean doesn't seem like it's cutting it. I soaked the whites for hours with not much in the results department. Well, the water turned dark so it must have done something. But the socks and under-g's are still dingy. I don't like to use bleach since it breaks down the fabrics, so I liked that there was no chlorine in OxiClean. I've also used it in regular laundry loads, but can't really tell the difference.
If anyone else would like to share their own review of OxiClean, I'd love to read it. I won't count the product out completely yet. I'm always a sucker for 2nd chances. What else do you use it for? Do you use other OxiClean products? Does the creepy guy from the commercials annoy you in your dreams as you sleep? Hee hee
By the way, did you notice that this is the first Try it Tuesday that didn't involve FOOD?!!!!
Posted by Leanne at 2:06 PM 5 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
Labels: try it tuesday
Friday, November 2, 2007
Ok....Caity has tagged me. My first tag. Here are 6 things about moi (I bet most of you wouldn't even know these things about me!)
1. I'm totally addicted to Edy's Loaded Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream (it's not really ice's more of an ice milk). I will head right to the store as soon as we polish off a container. Heck, I hardly even let anyone else eat it. I buy them their own flavors! Yes, I still fit it in my Weight Watchers plan. I usually eat 1/2 c.(3pts) with a heated up Vitatop (1pt) so it's kind of like a brownie or cake sundae. Mmmm.
2. I'm a peeker. No, not that kind of peeker! I just like to casually (hee hee) look into other peoples houses as I drive by them. Not to see what they are doing, but to see what their decor is etc. I totally love the show, "House Hunters" because then I get to peek from the privacy of my own home. Hey..wait a minute. If I'm a peeker, who is peeking in my house?! Thanks to my dh's love of his large t.v. hanging on the wall, everyone that drives by can see what shows we are watching. Take a look sometime...I'm sure you will catch me watching the #3 thing about me.3. I never, I mean never, miss an episode of Days of Our Lives. I know, I know. Mindless soaps do the brain no good. But I had started watching it about 15 years ago and always keep up on what goes on in that show. Gotta love DVR's & Tivos. And yes, it's the only soap that I watch.
UPDATE 11/8/07: I forgot to mention that in 1999, dh and I were lucky enough to be in LA (my sister lives in San Diego) and take a tour of the NBC studios. Guess which set they let us see? Yep, Days of Our Lives. It was neat to see things that we actually saw in the show. Plus, I was able to see Kate Roberts (don't know her real name) and Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston, Jennifer Aniston's father) rehearsing a scene. They made us hushhhh for it. I also got a couple autographs from some Days actors/actresses (Carrie, Curtis). Plus we went to see The Tonight Show with Jay Leno that night. That part was awesome. The guests were Jennifer Jason Leigh, Hulk Hogan, Gilbert Godfried and singing was 98 degrees when they first came on the music scene. Boy, I'm making this sound like I'm a Days freak. I'm not..really! :)
4. I've started my own High-Low journal. Not an online journal, but a real one. I list the "High" of my day and the "Low" of my day. Then I write down how I can make the "Tomorrow" a better day or fix the "Low" from the day before. It might just mean developing a better attitude about something, fixing a problem, a goal to finish or simply saying something nice to someone. I'm using this as a Personal Progress goal. I'm doing PP along with the Young Women in my Ward, but mostly I'm doing it for me.
5. I have my own Myspace! It's not like this blog though. I really only have it to be able to see my daughters space (she calls it, spying on her...wink). I can't see hers unless she is logged in already or I have my own account. I also opted to get my own to be able to see my nieces, nephews and friends spaces. I didn't realize my friend Bonnie had one. Obviously Myspace has it's bad points. I've seen many teenagers spaces with objectionable things & songs on them. Teenagers that I know. So sad. I'm wondering if it is even worth letting my teenager have one. I'll be thinking about this.
6. Last but not least.....I love ALL different types of music! I'm a huge fan of the band Chicago, but I also love 3 Doors Down. I like hard rock, soft rock, alternative, top 40, 80's, country, religious, classical etc...the list goes on! Here is a short list of artists that I really like (not a whole list though because like I said, I enjoy many types!):
-3 Doors Down
-Martina Mcbride
-The Titanic Soundtrack
-Barry Manilow
-Amy Grant
The only music I do not like is rap. Rap is crap. One more tidbit about me is that when I was about 13, I was in the Def Leppard fan club!!! No, I'm not a big fan now, but I still remember the words to many of their songs!
Ok, so now I'm supposed to tag 6 other people. The problem is that I don't really know 6 other people who blog! Caity already tagged Holly & Beth, so I can't tag them. I'm assuming Megan was tagged, so that leaves Austin and I doubt a teenager would like to be tagged by one of his Mom's friends. So...I guess my tagging ends here. Maybe some of my family & friends who read my blog can get on the ball and start your own blog huh?! You know who you are!
Posted by Leanne at 5:05 PM 3 Whaddaya have to say about this post?
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